
Table of Contents





1. 三水西协议中文介绍

==================================================================== 三水西协议 ====================================================================

警告:使用该协议将意味着您不再拥有删除或收回本作品的权利,同时你对本作品的 所有权利将被他人共享。由于恶意复制等原因,使用本协议可能会导致您的作品为您 产生的直接收益变少。

如何为您的作品设置本协议? 在您的作品前后显式地添加“本作品基于三水西协议发布, 您可以自由地复制、修改、出版、再传播本作品,同时修改后的作品不强制要求再遵 循三水西协议。”,添加三水西协议的logo,复制本文件并将其添加到您的作品或项目 中,等等。

简介:三水西(酒,sansicy,sansuishey,sensicy,sansuicy)协议是一种作品中 心的、轻版权的、以作品演化和归纳为重心的版权协议。其灵感来自于中国古代流行 的《三国演义》《水浒传》《西游记》等系列小说的演化历程,并希望该协议可以成 为一千年后新时代的文艺共享标准。您可以将三水西协议用在文艺作品(如文学作品, 图画,音乐,图片,视频,游戏)上。

协议内容:对于用户(或法人)A所发布的作品P,若A为作品P指定了三水西协议,那么, 对于世界上的任意一个用户、智能体B及其对P进行操作所产生的产品D,有:

  1. 版权共享:B可以任意复制(允许D=P)、出版、修改作品P,不必经过A的审核,也不


  1. 不可撤销:A与B不能对P及其衍生作品D进行任何破坏性地约束,如要求收回被他


  1. 回溯义务:若B在创作作品时基于P等一系列基于三水西协议的作品,那么B有义


  1. 作品为中心:当争议出现且不在上述三条的裁决范围内时,三水西协议优先确保


背景: 三水西协议取自中国传统通俗小说的无版权衍生创作方式,并以最著名的三个 名著《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》的首字母进行命名。这些作品起始时不过 是一些零散的故事,通过几百年来创作者与艺人的丰富,才拥有了磅礴的故事体量, 而后又经过一些文人的删改汇集,方形成了较为稳定的集大成之作。以《西游记》的成 书经历为例:唐朝贞观年间玄奘法师去天竺求经,自撰《大唐西域记》。后僧徒作 《大慈恩寺三藏法师传》。北宋时有故事《陈光蕊江流和尚》《大唐三藏取经诗话》, 此时已包含花果山猴行者、树人、女人国、深沙神等元素。后元代进一步出现了 《二郎神锁齐天大圣》等各种元杂剧,此时西游记的主体故事已经较为成熟。而到明代 时,《西游记》的故事方最终成熟,并在文学水平和思想水平上达到了一定高度。同理, 《水浒传》也是在宋江起义、《大宋宣和遗事》等基础上融合了《花和尚》、《青面兽》 等一系列作品的基础上形成的。

步入现代社会后,随着版权制度的流行和文艺创作者的 专业化,文艺作品不仅存在“通俗”与“纯艺术”之争,作品本身的修改也变得困难了起来。 版权制度适应了较长时期内的文化生产力。一方面,它会为创作者和书籍印刷厂商的权 益提供复制门槛,另一方面,作品也通过商品交换令文艺最直白地呈现出了其价值。然 而,版权制度也造成了文艺作品的异化。同时,作品的二次加工变得艰难起来, 似乎有一种默认:伟大的作家所创作的作品是完美无缺的,没有人可以再修改它让它 变得更加美好。三水西协议旨在为反对这些观点提供希望。


  • CC协议。CC协议允许自由转载和复制,但是要求必须署名,同时禁止演绎,CC协议

规定的作品他人无法在商业环境下使用。不同于CC协议,以上三点需求在三水西协议 中均不被要求。

  • GPL协议。GPL协议对使用该协议的产品同样要求使用GPL协议。三水西协议对此无


  • MIT协议。MIT协议要求保留署名权,三水西协议对此无规定。事实上,三水西所在

的时代有大量的作者刻意采取了匿名和托名的方式发布其作品。比起留名的方式,这 种方法也有一些优势。除此之外,三水西协议规定所有参与作品复制和修改的人必须 有义务维护其上游节点的作品的三水西协议的执行,而MIT协议对此无规定。


2. 三水西协议英文介绍

==================================================================== SANSUICY LICENSE ====================================================================

WARNING: Using this LISENCE means that you NO LONGER have the RIGHT to DELETE or WITHDRAW your product, and ALL your rights to it will be SHARED by OTHERS. Due to malicious copying and other reasons, the use of SANSUICY LICENSE may cause your work to generate LESS direct benefits for you.

HOW TO SET SANSUICY LISENCE TO YOUR PRODUCT? Explicitly add "This work is released based on the SANSUICY LISENCE, and you can freely copy, modify, publish, and redistribute it. At the same time, the modified work is not required to comply with the SANSUICY LISENCE.", add the logo of SANSUICY LISENCE, or copy this file to your project, etc.

INTRODUCTION: The SANSUICY (wine, sansicy, sansuishey, sensicy) LISENCE is a work-centered, copyright-light, work-evolution and attribution-focused copyright lisence. It is inspired by the evolution of several well-known novels in ancient China, e.g. Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, and Journey to the West. We hope the SANSUICY LISENCE can become the standard lisence for literary sharing in a new era a thousand years from now. You can use this LISENCE on your literary works, such as literary works, drawings, music, pictures, videos, and games.

DEFINITION: For a work P published by user (or legal person) A, if A specifies the SANSUICY LISENCE for work P, then, for all user or intelligent agent B and its product D resulting from the operation of P, there are:

  1. RIGHT SHARING: B can copy (i.e. allowing D=P), publish, and modify

work P at will, WITHOUT having to be reviewed by A, and WITHOUT having to cite it. More generally, B always has the SAME right to dispose of P as A.

  1. IRREVOCABILITY: A and B cannot bind P and its derivative work D in

ANY destructive way, such as by claiming back the work that has been copied by others, etc.

  1. PATH OBLIGATION: If B creates the work D based on the works under

SANSUICY LISENCE such as P, then B is obligated to maintain the RIGHT for its upstream works defined by SANSUICY LISENCE.

  1. WORKS AS THE CENTER: When a dispute arises and is NOT within the scope

of the above three rulings, the SANSUICY LISENCE gives the priority to ensuring the development of the work P and its derivative products D. The interests of A and B are not the primary needs.

BACKGROUND: The SANSUICY LISENCE is derived from the creation procedure of traditional Chinese popular novels. It is named with the initials of the three most well-known works, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, The Outlaws of the Marsh, and Journey to the West. At the beginning, these works were only scattered stories. Through the rich creators and artists for hundreds of years, they had a magnificent story volume. Then, through the deletion and collection of some scholars, they formed a relatively stable collection as the universal version. Take the book completion experience of the story Journey to the West as an example: during the Zhen-guan Period of the Tang Dynasty, Master Xuanzang went to Ancient India to seek scriptures and wrote the book Great Tang Dynasty Journey to the Western Regions. Later, the monk and apprentice wrote the Biography of the Great Si-An Temple's Tripitaka Master. In the Northern Song Dynasty, there were stories like Monk Chen Guangrui on the River and Poems about Three Tibetan Scriptures in the Tang Dynasty. At this time, there were monkey walkers in Huaguo Mountain, tree-man, women's country, deep sand gods and other elements. Later in the Yuan Dynasty, various Yuan dramas such as Erlang God Locks the Heavenly Sage further appeared, and the main story of Journey to the West has become more mature. By the Ming Dynasty, the story of Journey to the West was finally mature, and reached a certain height in literary and ideological level. Similarly, The Outlaws of the Marsh was formed on the basis of the Songjiang Uprising, the Great Song Xuanhe Legacy, and other stories such as The Flower Monk, The Green Faced Beast, etc.

After entering the modern society, with the popularity of the copyright system and the specialization of literary and artistic creators, there is not only a dispute between "popular" and "pure art" in literary and artistic works, but also the modification of works itself becomes difficult. The copyright system has adapted to the cultural productivity in a long period of time. On the one hand, it will provide a reproduction threshold for the rights and interests of creators and book printers. On the other hand, works also make literature and art show its value most clearly through commodity exchange. However, the copyright system has also caused the alienation of literary and artistic works. At the same time, the secondary processing of works becomes difficult, and there seems to be a default: the works created by great writers are perfect, and no one can modify it to make it better. The SANSUICY LISENCE aims to provide the hope for opposing these views.


  • CC-X. CC LISENCE allows free reprint and reproduction, but requires

the signature and prohibits deduction. The works specified in CC LISENCE cannot be used by others in a commercial environment. Unlike the CC agreement, the above three requirements are not required in the SANSUICY LISENCE.

  • GPL. The GPL LISENCE ensures the derivative works must use GPL LISENCE,

too. This is not stipulated in the SANSUICY LISENCE.

  • MIT. The MIT LISENCE requires the right of signature to be retained,

but the SANSUICY LISENCE does not stipulate this. In fact, a large number of authors in SANSUICY's era deliberately released their works anonymously. Compared with name retention, this method also has some advantages. In addition, the SANSUICY LISENCE stipulates that all participants in the reproduction and modification of works must have the obligation to maintain the implementation of the SANSUICY LISENCE for works at their upstream works, which is not stipulated in the MIT LISENCE.


Author: Zi Liang (liangzid@stu.xjtu.edu.cn) Create Date: Fri Jan 20 11:55:06 2023 Last modified: 2025-02-01 Sat 17:21 Creator: Emacs 29.2 (Org mode 9.6.15)