Zi Liang (Research Page)

Table of Contents

Now Zi Liang is a PhD student in Astaple Group, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU).

1. Education

  1. 2016.09-2020.06: Bachelor Degree, in Northeastern University, in Shenyang, on cybernetics (Control Theory);
  2. 2020.09-2023.06: Master Degree, in iMiss Group of Xi'an Jiaotong University, in Xi'an, on software engineer and research for task-oriented dialogue systems;
  3. 2023.10-now: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. Research of interests: dialogue system, safety problem of AI, and interpretability of LLMs.

2. He was interested in:

  1. Dialogue systems (2020.09~2022.11) –> generalized AI (2022.11~now)
  2. PLM-based NLG (2019.11-2023.04) –> LLMs-based NLG (2023.04~now)
  3. AI safety (2021.03~now)
  4. Interpretability of current AI models (2023.07~now)

3. Paper Published.

3.1. Preprint

  • Liang, Zi, et al. "Healing Unsafe Dialogue Responses with Weak Supervision Signals." arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.15757 (2023). [Paper][Code]
  • Wang Yanyun, et al. "TSFool: Crafting Highly-Imperceptible Adversarial Time Series through Multi-Objective Gray-Box Attack". arXiv preprint (2024). [Paper] [Code]

3.2. Published

  • Liang, Zi, et al. "MERGE: Fast Private Text Generation." [Paper] [Code] AAAI'24.

3.3. Corporations

  • Zhang, Shuo, et al. "Multi-Action Dialog Policy Learning from Logged User Feedback." arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.13505 (2023). [Paper]

4. Contact Me

Author: liangzid (2273067585@qq.com) Create Date: Fri Sep 10 14:23:46 2021 Last modified: 2024-03-18 Mon 19:42 Creator: Emacs 28.1 (Org mode 9.5.2)